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183A Newmarket Road Norwich NR4 6AP

183A Newmarket Road Norwich NR4 6AP

01603 505 443 Contact us whatsapp gester icon2

Six Month Smiles is an orthodontic treatment system that can aesthetically align your front teeth in 6 months or less.

This system employs both clear wires and brackets that are nearly invisible to align the teeth, making the Six Month Smile system a far more discreet solution compared to traditional metal braces.

How does Six Month Smiles work?

Your dentist attaches the Six Month Smile brackets and wires to your teeth.

Over the next 6 months, you will have adjustment appointments so your dentist can gently tighten the wires and monitor your progress.

Am I a suitable candidate for Six Month Smiles?

This treatment is suitable for anybody 16 years or older with mild to moderate orthodontic issues.

Do I need to wear braces on all my teeth?

Yes, but the brackets and wires are almost invisible, so they are discreet.

Do I have to wear a retainer?

Yes, as with any orthodontic procedure you must wear a retainer once your treatment is complete to prevent your teeth from relapsing. Retainers can be fixed or removable.

For a brighter and healthier smile, please call Newmarket Road Dental Clinic on 01603 505 443 or Contact us

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I walked into the Newmarket road dental clinic ashamed of my teeth and ready to do something about it. I was greeted very warmly by reception and the staff then spent about half an hour…

Mr Dewhurst

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I've had horrid, crooked and snagged teeth since my adult teeth came through, and I've hated them. I was very warmly welcomed to the practice by Tina and Chantelle on the front desk, who are…

Miss Conley

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After years of avoiding going to the dentist. I needed a quality dentist in the Norwich area, to fix a front crown that had come loose. I tried Newmarket Road Dental Clinic and was instantly…

Mr Lillycrop

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I've just completed 18 months of Invisalign treatment at the Newmarket Road Dental Clinic. Firstly, I want to say how kind everyone has been to me, especially Sam. I'm a very nervous patient and Sam…

Miss Turner

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I only have very positive things to say about Dr Sam Shah and The Newmarket Road Dental Clinic. Since moving from the NHS to Sam's Clinic my experience of the dentist is so much better.…

Mr Norris

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